LVS-NAT operates on a director server by grabbing incoming packets that are destined for configuration-specified ports and rewriting the destination address in the packet header dynamically. LVS-NAT操作控制器服务器的方式是,获取发往特定配置的端口的引入包,并动态地在包的头部重写目的地址。
2 bytes of destination port ( similarly, the port on destination that the packet will use) 个字节的目标端口(类似于,数据包将要使用的目标地址上的端口)
The network latency is the time between sending a request to a destination and the destination actually receiving the sent packet. 网络延时是向目的地发送请求到目的地实际接收到数据包之间的时间间隔。
It should define the average round-trip latency as the average round-trip packet transfer between the network and its destination, and packet loss as the percentage of packets that are lost during a round-trip data transmission. 它应该将平均往返延迟定义为网络和目的地之间的平均往返包传输,将包损失定义为在往返数据传输期间损失的包的百分比。
Ethernet packet headers, including the Ethernet source and destination address, packet size and the Ethernet packet type. Ethernet数据包头,包括Ethernet来源和目标地址,数据包大小和Ethernet数据包类型。
The output here specifies that the Ethernet packet contains IP data, specifies the overall packet size and time, and the destination and source Ethernet addresses for the packet. 这里的输出表明Ethernet数据包包含了IP数据、全部数据包大小和时间,以及数据包的目标和来源地址。
When a packet reaches the firewall, the kernel first examines the header information of the packet, particularly the destination of the packet. 当信息包到达防火墙时,内核先检查信息包的头信息,尤其是信息包的目的地。
The interface on the destination ( the server) receives the incoming SYN packet, places it on the ipintrq queue, and raises a software interrupt. 目的地(服务器)上的接口接收传入SYN包,将其放在ipintrq队列中,并引发软件中断。
If the sending endstation determines that the destination address is not local, the packet goes to a first-hop router, typically one that is close and has been preassigned to the sender. 如果发送端站确定目的地址不在本地,该包就被送到第一跳路由器,一般来说,该路由器是在附近的,并已被预先分配给发送者。
When the chunks arrive at their final destination, IP assembles the pieces into the original packet. 当这些小数据包到达最终目的地时,IP协议又把这些数据块组装成原来的数据包。
At the destination host, the packet is passed up to UDP and delivered to the destination port. 在目标主机,数据包被传递至UDP协议程序并送到目的地端口。
Its processing of the data packet is based on the destination address and there are two possibilities: if the router can find a path to the destination address, it will send the data packet; 它处理数据包是以目的地址为基础的,存在着两种可能性:若路由器可以找到一条路径到达目的地址则发送出去;
The route filter packet based on the source and destination of the packet 路由器针对包的来源和目的过滤包
The ordinary router just checks the destination address of the data packet and chooses the best path to get to the destination address. 普通的路由器只检查数据包的目的地址,并选择一个达到目的地址的最佳路径。
Thus, the destination plus the DSAP define the recipient of a packet. 所以,目标地址和DSAP一起定义了数据包的容器。
The IP header includes the source IP address where the packet originates, destination IP address where the packet is going, the transport protocol initiating the request. IP数据头包括数据包产生地的主机IP地址,数据包即将前往的目的地IP地址,以及发出请求的传输协议。
Upon reaching the destination node the VLAN ID is removed from the packet by the adjacent switch and forwarded to the attached device. 到达目的地端所接的交换器时,这个含有VLAN编号的表头就会被拿掉,然后将封包传给目的地的设备。
The other Information which be available to filter route be the source and destination Ip address In the packet 对过滤路由器来说,可得到的其它信息是包中的源ip地址和目的ip地址
This paper addresses a problem of selecting a route for every pair of source/ destination nodes in a packet switched communication network in order to minimize the average delay encountered by messages. 本文研究分组交换通信网中每对源/目的结点的路由选择问题以使信息通过网络的平均时延最小。
Policy routing for the expansion and improvement of traditional routing technologies, the routing policy based on the use more flexible than traditional routing, not only to the destination address but the packet size, application or sources IP address to select transmitted trails. 策略路由技术是对传统路由技术的扩展和改进,基于策略的路由比传统路由使用更灵活,不仅能够根据目的地址,而且能够根据报文大小、应用或IP源地址来选择转发路径。
Active networks not only have the basic capability of forward packets toward their destination as of traditional packet network, but also have the capability to support dynamic modification of the network's behavior as seen by user. 在主动式网络中,网络不仅具备基本的数据包寻址转发的功能,而且还具有动态可编程的能力。
In computer network, The traditional routing selected on the basis of the destination address of IP packet. 计算机网络中,传统的路由是根据IP包的目的地址进行路由选择。
This delivery process continues until the destination node receive the packet. 这种转发方式一直延续下去,直至目的节点接受到数据包。
Different values of parameters in the models lead to different destination distributions and average distances between packet sources and destinations. 通过设置参数的值,可以控制模型中负载分布的均匀程度与源、目的节点之间的平均距离。
The different between this agreement and other location-based routing protocol is that the choice of routing path is not dependent on the node, but to choose the best road to reach the destination node as data packet delivery routing path. 本协议与其它基于位置的路由协议的不同之处是,在路由路径的选择上不再是建立在节点之上,而是建立在选择最优的到达目的节点的哪些道路作为其数据包传递的路由路径。
As compared with packet encapsulation, the usage of IPv6 destination options header lowers forwarding process and packet header overloads. ( 2) A representative-based multicast congestion control scheme, which is based on multiple modes General Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease ( GAIMD) algorithm, is proposed. 与将组播数据包封装在单播包内的方法相比,采用IPv6目的地址选项降低了转发处理负载和数据包的包头开销。(2)提出基于多模式通用加增乘减算法的组播拥塞控制方案。
Finally, the destination node restores the original packet according to the decoding packet that was received using coding coefficient. 最后,目的节点对接收到的数据包依据相应的编码系数进行解码操作以还原原始数据包。
One-relay-based cross-layer scheme is considered at first, where only a single node is allowed to retransmit packet in each hop, it is not until the packet is successfully received by the destination node that the next new packet transmission can be started. 首先考虑单中继跨层设计方案,即允许每一跳的节点间可以重传操作,直到接收节点获取无差错的数据包后,信息传输方可进行下一跳。
The destination node calculates the end-to-end packet delay, jitter, packet loss ratio periodically, and determines the network load conditions by metering the network parameters, then sends the results periodically to the source node. 通信过程中目的节点周期性计算数据包的端到端延时、抖动和丢包率,通过这些网络参数来判断网络负载状况,并将结果周期性的发送给源节点。
The nodes in the list are set priority by their hop to destination. The mechanism chooses the best node to forward packet. 列表中的节点根据到目的节点的跳数设定优先级,选择最优节点,实现数据包的调度转发。